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27 ene 2011

Maximum The Hormone confirma un disco para este año

1 comentarios
La banda más metalera de Japón, autora de What's Up, People?! y Zetsubou Billy -OP y ED de Death Note- ha confirmado que un nuevo disco está en producción y que el mismo saldrá en algún momento de este año.

Como cada inicio de año, MTH suele saludar a sus fans a través de su web (http://www.55mth.com/) y desearles un gran, en este caso, 2011. Fue ahi que la banda avisó que luego de un 2009 y 2010 "tranquilo" debido al embarazo de Nao, la baterista de la banda, 2011 se venia con todo y, entre shows y otras cosas, anunciaron que se viene un nuevo disco.

Recordamos que el ultimo lanzamiento había sido "Tsume Tsume Tsume", un single lanzado en 2008 para la gira que llevo el mismo nombre.

A continuación el saludo y, remarcado, el anunció del nuevo CD:

To Harapeko (hungry to death) people! Happy New Year!!
Since November 2009, MTH had been taking a break from doing shows because of Nao's pregnancy.
And in May 2010, a healthy baby girl was born.
We got a lot of congratulatory mails from Harapeko fans.Thank you very much!

And 3 days after Nao's childbirth,
Maximum The Ryo-kun experienced excruciating pain of childbirth and delivered his urinary stone.

Nao started playing drums again only 2 weeks after the labor,
and the band went on "Enon -Enon- Tour" from August.
Nao recovered very quick as a primiparous mother and so MTH could restart doing shows quite early.

After that, they played Jigokuezu shows which they had to put off twice.
Also, they played at RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL which the band could not attend 2 years ago because of Maximum The Ryo-kun's flu.

As they had a good recharging period,all the members are in very good condition
but as their first priority was doing shows -which is the most important thing they do-
we could not spend enough time to record for the new title by the end of 2010.

So, we are preparing to record and release MTH new title this year.And of course, the band is doing a lot of shows after the release!
Thank you for your support and I hope you and us can stick together in the future.

We wish you another Menkata Kotteri (hard noodle and thick soup) year!!
All members from MTH and staff at Mimikajiru

Hola, soy el fundador de Hikkikomori Room. Soy Periodista con Especializacion en Deportes, y disfruto de ver y leer anime y manga en mis tiempos libres. Si queres mandarme un mail, podés escribirme a rokuta@hikkikomoriroom.com.ar


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